Pine Grove Bible Church is all about community and community means life with one-another. To facilitate connections within the Pine Grove family, we publish a directory containing names, addresses, phone numbers and pictures of our members. The paper version of the directory is updated yearly (or so). The mobile version is updated as often as needed.
To get the mobile version, go to the App Store (Apple) or the Play Store (Android). Search for “Pine Grove Bible Church” and download and install the app. When you first run it, the directory that appears will have historic characters in it with fictitious details. The app will then tell you that there is an update to the directory and ask whether you wish to download it. If you say “Yes”, it will download the latest version of the directory. When finished it will ask for a password. Just enter the password and you’re set to go. To get the password, please contact Les Woolsey, Marnie Beaubien or Please note, the password is only available to people who attend Pine Grove.
Using the App
When you start the app, you will see a list of names. Scroll through the list to find the person you want, then tap on their name to bring up their information.
From the personal information, you can
- tap on the address to see a map of how to get there
- tap on the phone number or email address to phone, text message or email the person
At the top right there is a menu button. Tap it an a menu will appear. The contents of the menu will vary as we make different items available. You can use this menu to
- Check for directory updates,
- Look at current members or people who are closely associated with Pine Grove
- See a prayer list
- See the list of announcements from the past week’s service.
- See a list of upcoming events
For the app privacy policy please see App Privacy Policy